Straight A is where sport performance meets the horse world. Having started in human exercise science and sport performance, we apply a similar approach to assessing equine athletes and building training programs based on their sport, body, and goals.
Softness is always my goal (read Mark Rashid's phenomenal description of lightness v. softness). This "way to be" and form of "communication" has been cultivated in me by phenomenal teachers, two equine sports massage certifications, a Master level Reiki certification, and experience in AC and acupressure.
Hi! My name is AshLee Lattner, and I have a horse problem. That's how this usually starts, right? In all seriousness, horses have been radically and consistently changing my life since I was a little girl. Everything that I have pursued since has been directed toward giving back to them. I am a firm believer that we cannot expect our horses to give the best of themselves if we are not doing the same. Showing up as our full, mistake-riddled, human self requires honesty and vulnerability. That said, here are the ideas that drive me as a person and in my work with horses:
-STAY GROUNDED; be spiritually connected, present, and full of grace
- BE EFFICIENT; be timely, practical, dream big, have intense attention to detail
- PUT RELATIONSHIPS FIRST; honest and vulnerable communication with horses and humans, time with family and friends
- ENJOY; soak in moments, attitude of collaboration and positivity, have fun
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